Marketing campaigns are essential to the successful sales of your products and services. However, creating a marketing funnel is only possible with a good landing page. With a good landing page, you will get more clicks and visitors.
If the tech intimidates you, do not let it. There are many high quality workers in the gig economy out there to help with design, connection and placing pixels.

In this sense, to help you with this work, in this article, we will show 11 affiliate landing page examples to lead you to an excellent choice in your affiliate marketing campaigns.
Affiliate Marketing, Definition and Characteristics
An affiliate landing page is nothing more than a page created with the focus of an affiliate marketing campaign. In other words, when you attract the attention of your potential customers with emails or advertisements. They will likely click and be redirected to a landing page with your affiliate offer. This strategy will be done through landing pages. It can be generated by newsletters, paid ads, organic traffic, and social media. The focus of these landing pages is to direct Leads to an action.
There are intermediate pages and landing pages. This difference is a significant issue to present in this article since confusion has been caused by the lack of this information. By definition, an intermediate page is a type of page whose purpose is to connect with your potential customers from one landing page to another. There is no doubt that this is a great way to gain public interest and help increase your click-through rate.
Top Questions that Leave Affiliates Wondering
- Affiliate landing page: what can I do to provide more value to my potential customers?
- What is the ideal landing page for my affiliate marketing niche?
- How to grab attention instantly with a landing page?
- What types of landing pages exist?
- Is a landing page precisely the same as a squeeze page in affiliate marketing?
- How can I present my product or service through the landing page without looking like a salesperson?
Throughout the article, we will answer all of the questions listed above. We will navigate through various affiliate landing pages, showing examples of each. And we’ll look at the process of structuring an affiliate marketing landing page, highlighting how that page can stand out with unique messaging for the vibrantly designed audience.
Understand Why Landing Pages Are Targeted for Affiliate Marketing
About 48% of marketers choose to generate a new landing page for every marketing campaign. This revealing data is from Marketing Sherpa. This strategy is used by almost half of all marketers. In that sense, we need to accept that creating affiliate landing pages and your affiliate marketing content is a good tactic.
Competing for the attention of potential customers is a constant fact of marketing professionals’ work. As soon as your potential customer finds an affiliate link, you will have a few seconds to launch an affiliate product. Thus, having a good landing page is necessary to catch your potential customer’s attention, causing them to convert.
5 Reasons Why You Should Take the Time to Create a Landing Page for Each Affiliate Marketing Campaign:

1 – Generate more Leads: affiliate landing pages can be great allies in generating Leads. Once you get more Leads, you can segment and nurture them so that the chances of making a sale of your services or products materialize. But how can I nurture Leads? The most intuitive way to do this is through email outreach campaigns and timely follow-ups. And it is also possible to redirect with a customized landing page following specific market segments.
2 – Attracting Target Audiences to Know Your Services and Products: more is needed to try different types of content for affiliate marketing. It would be best if you also dedicated a good portion of your time to creating dedicated landing pages for each marketing campaign. The landing pages will attract your target audience with attractive offers and a valuable CTA.
3 – Reduce Distractions: when the visitor arrives at the landing page, it will mean that he is interested in the service or product you are offering. However, there are no action buttons clearly demonstrating the following steps. In that case, the potential customer may stay focused and not make the purchase. Therefore, action buttons must be clear to increase the conversion probability.
4 – New Affiliate Opportunities: Focusing on creating landing pages, especially for first-time affiliates, can be excellent for your business. Imagine that an affiliate manager came across your affiliate landing page. That page is optimized and well-designed. He will likely contact you with an affiliate opportunity. Consequently, establish affiliate marketing landing pages. This will help show a professional brand image.
5 – Prospects’ Demographic Information: as users visit your landing page, demographic information is recorded so that you can make a collection. Tools such as Smartlook or Hotjar can be used to analyze this information to better understand who is visiting your landing page and how many are converting. Targeting these users will be better understood with this data, too.
Affiliate Landing Page Templates and Affiliate Marketing Landing Page Examples
1 – Leads Capture Page: typically, a lead generation page or capture landing page has a data capture form to get Leads. These pages are usually best for MOFU (middle-of-the-funnel) customers. They are generally in the decision-making stage. Rewards and requests are used on lead-generation landing pages. These requests are the information you will ask your prospects for, which they will need to fill in some form.
On the other hand, the reward is an exclusive offer or affiliate discount, which you will promote on your page. To get effective in capturing Leads with your landing page, one of the secrets is to make sure that requests and rewards have the same weight. That means that in your affiliate marketing program, the information your prospect offers must be worthwhile, with a good reward being offered to them.
On the “Sam Cart” website, we can observe a remarkable landing page for generating Leads. One can notice that this landing page has clear visuals. The carrier we are analyzing is not monotonous and boring; its image does not distract the potential customer from the marketing message. It is accurately established that the potential customer will grit when signing up. The CTA button is prominently displayed, and there are no other links and buttons to distract the prospect.
Once the prospect clicks the CTA button, the form for capturing Leads is displayed. The landing page leaves the sign-up request, and the reward (earn $100 with a digital product) balanced and is an example to follow.
2 – Squeeze Pages: having many similarities with the lead capture page, this affiliate marketing landing page is used to collect data. The difference with this model is that it calms the email addresses of your potential customers and adds them to your mailing list. These compressed landing pages are usually used for TOFU (top-of-the-funnel) customers who want to know more about your product or service offering. With simple features, these landing pages have minimal content, an impactful title, and a given CTA (call to action).
Let’s look at an example of a Miles Backler squeeze page. One of the first things the potential customer will see when opening the page will be the title, which is very clear, denoting an objective two-line message. The design done by the creator is minimal, and the CTA button is highlighted.
When the potential customer clicks on the CTA button, a pop-up window will open with a sign-up form. This way, this squeeze page accomplishes its mission of collecting your visitor’s email address and other information.
3 – Click-through: these landing pages differ from those for lead generation. There are no forms to collect visitors’ information. The primary purpose of a click-through landing page is to act as an intermediary page between the affiliate offer and the page where your potential customers would find the service or product. For this landing page to work, you will need to add a short description of your service or product, so the customer can find what you are offering by clicking on the page. It is crucial to have a clear CTA next to the click link.
We will use the “Authority Hacker” website as an example to demonstrate how its features conform to this affiliate landing page style. The colors and visuals used are excellent. The presence of an impactful title and hook will attract your potential customers. Note the red CTA button that stands out from the blue background, directing the user directly to the website. The value is presented as points describing what the prospect wants to earn by clicking the button.
4 – Microsite: a microsite is a small dedicated website where brands use this space to display their products, campaigns, and individual events. Microsites can be great for affiliates. It is recommended that there is a lot of detail on the affiliate offers, with lots of information.
The website “Deals Viking” will be the microsite we will use as an example. This microsite was created to display discounted offers that are running on Amazon. With a minimalist design, the purpose of the Viking deals microsite is to assist visitors in their product choices on Amazon.
5 – Splash Page: used at any point in the sales funnel, splash pages have primary destinations, with 1 or 2 large graphics, direct messages, and minimal copy. Not having a focus on collecting data or generating Leads, splash pages are designed to present important information to prospects before they even access the site.
“Jac Johnson” presents a great example of a home page. Even though it is not an affiliate marketing homepage, this website perfectly represents what a homepage for affiliates should look like. Notice how the graphics have been added to the background, without sounds and copy, with clear and direct messages. The potential customer will be redirected to the page with more information about the product or service offered by pressing the green CTA button.
6 – Sales Page: used to target BOFU (bottom-of-the-funnel) customers. Developing sales pages is often challenging. When creating a Sales Page, you are trying to persuade potential customers with your offered service or product, focusing on generating new Leads. Unlike the system of Leads capture pages, sales pages are not based on basic request and reward mechanisms.
To achieve efficiency in creating sales pages, you will need to understand the needs of your potential customers by analyzing a specific point in the sales cycle. The details, such as copy, design, and so many others, must be determined very clearly. Keep business by being aggressive in your sales pitch. However, don’t underestimate your products and services. Find the balance, so your potential customers clearly see your advantages.
To better understand how to make an effective affiliate sales page, we use Matt Giovanisci’s “Money Lab” website as an example. “Build & Grow a Profitable Blog Without Constantly Second-Guessing Yourself!” is perfectly positioned in the header of the reader to attract him with an impactful message. The design was implemented with the minimum in mind, not distracting the reader with complex sales speeches. Additionally, this sales page has a crucial feature: ‘Blog Builder Kit,’ where Matt’s success story is told. In short, Money Lab conveys its message in a balanced way, avoiding exaggeration and excessive information.
Throughout Money Lab’s landing page, its ventures are presented. The CTA button prompts the potential customer to buy the kit. The absence of competing links avoids distracting the visitor.
7 – Infomercial: don’t be attached to the old vision of TV infomercials from the ’80s and ’90s. Digital infomercials are totally different. Digital infomercials are totally different. In a long format, telling a story about your service or product offered, infomercials aim to keep the reader hooked to convince them to make the purchase.
Again we use the “Money Lab” website by Matt Giovanisci to demonstrate how a landing page infomercial can be successful. Starting your landing page with a title that explains to the reader what they will gain by using Asana. After that, it is demonstrated to the prospect how using Asana has helped them manage their blog.
As we have described, you can see that the money lab page has a long format where the marketer explains the product’s benefits in detail. Furthermore, customer testimonials are included, proving the quality of their product. And at the end of the page, there is a CTA button, which will encourage the potential customer to make a purchase.
8 – Viral Landing Pages: These pages are usually used to raise awareness about some brand and its products. Besides links to the product or brand, the main goal is to create a way to encourage visitors to share them on their social media and social circles. Gŕaficos, videos, and text are used in viral landing pages.
We present as a viral landing page the “Dog Food Advisor” website. Notice how the color scheme of this page is simple, with a clean layout, making the potential customer focus on the product being offered. There are social sharing buttons, which will be very useful and practical for the potential customer to spread the word in their media and social circles. There are also numbers indicating how many followers the page already has.
9 – Measure School: The experience of the affiliate marketer offering his teachings must be explicitly demonstrated on the landing page. We use the website “Measure School” as an example. Let’s see how the easiest way to place titles and images is applied on this site.
Then there are explanations of what the tools can do, convincing the audience to buy your service. And it is even possible to offer some special offers.
10. Matthew Woodward: Affiliates offer numerous free courses and training. One of the requirements to obtain these benefits is usually the visitors’ email addresses. The website “Matthew Woodward” is an example we chose for these features presented. After collecting these emails, it is possible to use these addresses in marketing campaigns to promote affiliate offers to subscribers by inserting affiliate links with your free materials.
There are several CTAs scattered around the blog’s home page, which leads to the registration form for your 7-day blogging course. It clearly lists the benefits and provides a detailed overview of what your potential customers will get out of your system. And to add credibility to your services offered, testimonials are included at the bottom of the page and links to your income reports.
11 – How to Restrict the Benefit Statement: by restricting the benefit statement, you will communicate to your potential customer the value of your products and services. This is not necessarily a tool but how your product or service could improve your prospect’s life.
We use the “Supermetrics” landing page as an example. See how the benefit statement concisely summarizes what your prospects will get when they recommend your tool to their network or audience.
One determining factor that catches the visitor’s attention is how much they can earn (20% recurring) and what it will take to make (sales). Most people who access this site already expect to find information like this. If the visitor wants more specific information, scroll down, and a video presentation or explanatory text will work perfectly.
With the eleven examples above, we can denote the variations of an affiliate landing page on the market. Next, we will review a list of tips on structuring and having an effective affiliate landing page.
How Does the Structure of an Affiliate Landing Page Work?

To convince your prospects to take action on your landing page, you need to analyze its elements such as images, design, benefit statement, titles, CTA, social proof, and copy.
Keep the Design Simple
Whether you create your landing pages with a builder, WordPress, or plug-in, it is crucial to maintain a visually appealing design. The landing page was created for a specific purpose. It would be best to keep more white spaces and a clean layout.
In that sense, it will be simpler for potential customers to direct their attention to your CTA and benefit statements. Aim to minimize distractions so that visitors do not abandon your page.
It is essential to use color contracting to highlight some vital elements present on your landing page, such as the CTA button. Choose bright colors and attractive images which should match your offer.
Titles and Images
The primary function of a title is to grab the potential customer’s attention, encouraging them to read more about the products and services offered. The benefits statement should be explicit in the title content of the landing page.
Images placed next to the title make your landing page more effective. This technique works as a complement to the title, stating what the benefits are. Whether you choose a graphic design or photo, the image should match the title, helping to communicate the offer and benefits, and making it clear to visitors.
It is usual for affiliate marketers to promote more than just affiliate products but also sell their own products or services. Many affiliates sell their training courses and e-books, for example. So you will need to create landing pages for these service and product offerings.
Attractive copy
As mentioned, the benefits must be well established, and so must your copy. The copy should communicate your offer. Demonstrate in great detail, presenting many answers to your potential customers’ most common questions.
Always choose simplicity over complexity. This rule will avoid giving visitors excessive and useless data, giving them a reason to abandon the landing page. Use solid and consistent arguments. Mention a considerable growth in traffic, and show the numbers that anyone can verify for themselves, for example.
You don’t need to incorporate a narrative into your landing page copy. Speaking directly to your potential customers and taking their main questions will supply what they need to make a purchase.
Featured CTA
Even though affiliate landing page content is vital for you to be able to sell your products and services, it should be noted that you need to place more than one CTA on your page. Usually, you set the CTA at the top of the landing page after stating the benefits. Subsequently, you put one in the copy somewhere in the middle. And you also add one at the bottom of the landing page.
This way, your potential customers will easily access your link, no matter where they are on the page. Conversion can happen at several points for different visitors.
Ensure your CTA is visible immediately when accessing your page without needing to scroll down. Use colors that will contrast with your page’s background design. Short command verbs such as learn more, join, try for free, and get started are usually compelling.
Social Proof is Crucial
Social proofs are essential to encourage visitors to make a conversion decision. It doesn’t matter if it’s a testimonial, review, something from social media, or a use case. The important thing is to add details such as people’s names, companies, job titles, and photos.
Lately, testimonial videos have become popular. These videos give more credibility by appearing more relaxed and truthful, leaving the robotic part of text scripts for the past.
Extra information that provides verifiable figures and explains the most effective process will give more credibility to your services or products. This trust that the potential customer will have is increased if this information is from people known in the industry.
You Need to Understand Your Visitors
After your affiliate landing page is set up correctly, establish some traffic. You can monitor the search queries people make to access your landing page. With the help of Google Search Console, you can see the top questions that resulted in a click.
Using this powerful tool, you can understand the search intent of your visitors. This will give you an idea of what specific information your audience is looking for. In the opposite direction to articles that focus on generic queries, the top questions for most landing pages will generate keywords.
Don’t Overdo it with Navigation Links
Remember that the primary purpose of an affiliate landing page is to convince your prospects to perform a specific action. Adding navigation links can generate adverse effects on your results. Refrain from living. Refrain from giving your visitors reasons to abandon your page. So please only do it with links other than your CTA.
Optimize your Mobile Affiliate Landing Page
Even if the share of access to your landing page from mobile devices could be higher, you need to optimize your page for these devices. Google recently introduced mobile-first indexing. In a nutshell, this means that Googlebot crawls and indexes the mobile version of every page.
Optimization for mobile devices has become very important for ranking purposes. Check if your affiliate landing page is rendered on mobile devices, and run Google mobile device compatibility tests.
Page Speed Matters
The speed of your affiliate landing page is a determining factor for both Google Ads and Google Search. Check if your page takes too long to load or takes more time than other landing pages. To perform this test, you can use Google’s “Page Speed Insights“.
A number above 3.5 seconds will cause your visitors to have no control over clicking, navigating, and scrolling the home page. Some common problems can impair page speed and weaken visitors’ experience. These problems can be related to unoptimized images, plug-ins with compatibility issues, missing files, URL redirects, lack of caching, and various other problems. Investigate what could be slowing down the speed of your affiliate landing page. This can take away your potential customer’s interest within seconds.
Final Thoughts

In this lengthy article, we have looked at examples of affiliate marketing landing pages, their features, definitions, templates, and authentic websites. So you can see in practice how these pages work. And with the other tips presented, you can set up an effective landing page that will attract visitors and encourage them to complete an action on your page.
Enhance the features of your page, such as the images, design, benefit statement, titles, copy, CTA, and social proof. Remember to provide a great user experience for your visitors, building on users’ general expectations of affiliate landing pages.
Finally, remember some tips, such as understanding your visitors’ needs, interests, and demographics. Try to communicate effectively with them about what the benefits of the offer will be. To be a professional affiliate marketer, understand what motivates the public. Once you know, you can create an appropriate benefits statement on your affiliate landing page.
Frequently Asked Question
What Are Affiliate Landing Pages, and Why Are They Important in Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate landing pages are specific webpages designed to promote affiliate products or services and encourage visitors to take a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. These pages are crucial in affiliate marketing because they act as a bridge between the affiliate’s promotional efforts and the merchant’s product or service. A well-optimized landing page can significantly increase conversions and commissions for affiliates.
Are There Any Tools or Platforms That Can Help in Creating Affiliate Landing Pages?
Yes, several tools and platforms can assist in creating affiliate landing pages without extensive coding knowledge. Some popular options include landing page builders like Leadpages, Unbounce, and ClickFunnels. These tools offer templates and drag-and-drop functionality to design and customize landing pages easily.
Do Affiliate Landing Pages Need to Disclose Affiliate Partnerships to Visitors?
Yes, affiliate marketers should disclose their affiliate partnerships to visitors on their landing pages. Transparency is crucial in affiliate marketing to maintain trust with the audience. Including a clear disclosure statement, such as “This page contains affiliate links,” informs visitors that the affiliate marketer may earn a commission if they make a purchase through the provided links. Disclosures also help affiliates comply with relevant legal and regulatory guidelines.
Paul Martinez is the founder of He is an expert in the areas of finance, real estate, eCommerce, traffic and conversion.
Join him on to learn how to improve your financial life and excel in these areas. Before starting this media site, Paul built from scratch and managed two multi-million dollar companies. One in the real estate sector and one in the eCommerce sector.